Friday, April 15, 2011

"Linda Binder"

Yeah, that's me.   But I know it's a common name.  When I was single and had a very looooooong Italian last name no one could say, let alone spell it, I couldn't wait to get married and get a nice easy name that everyone could pronounce.  When I was little my cousins called me Linda Binda.  Then after I got married it came off of people as Linder Binder. I now wish I had the long name back.  It is me, the original me, (not that I don't like being married and being a Binder, I do) and unique and makes be proud of being Italian.  When you meet someone with that name you know you are related.  And if someone could say it, you know they know someone in your family.

Ok I'm wandering, so the reason for this post is that I've been getting a view people landing on my blog from other countries.  Now we all know who my FEW but FAITHFUL followers are, so this made me courious.   So I Googled my name and found out that their is a professional violinist from South Africa with my name.

Sorry to those of you searching for her and getting me, but it is exciting to see those locations and international flags on my visitors list.

1 comment:

  1. I've been to Adelaide, South Australia - beautiful country!!! Your blog is so much fun!

