Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Ball/#5

Not much going on lately.  Job hunting is not going so well.  Not much out there, but still always looking.  Projects in the house are done (finally), #5 seems to be settling into his sophomore year (so far) and doing well.  He has a girlfriend too (she doesn't go to our school so that makes it a little easier on mom).  I am, however, having a hard time just saying those words.  I will admit I do like the girl.  She is smart, and cute, and seems to be very grounded. She is good for #5 because she is more outgoing than him, and I think he needs that.  He would just die if he knew I was saying all of this.

So, on to another area of #5.  Fall baseball has finally started.  First two weekends were rained out, so we got to play last weekend.  He does have "HIS" number back so all is right with the world.

These pics are from an awesome double play he made.  Unfortunately I did not take them.  Not so good with keeping the camera on him at all times.  Need more practice with my action shots too.  My friend D, who is awesome at photography took the pics.  Thanks, as ususal D.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wonderful Book

I just received from Amazon, this wonderful book called, "Expressive Photography", by the Shutter Sisters.  They are an extremely creative group of women who on their own do great things, and also have a colaberative blog.  You should check them out at  They and their beautiful book are very inspiring!  I am having fun reading it, and admiring their lovely photography and experiemented on my own.

Happy 1st Day of Fall

Today is the official first day of fall.  My FAVORITE season......pumpkins, leaves changing, cooler weather, Halloween, etc.  Enjoy everyone!

mini pumpkin, love them

silk leave, no real ones yet

faux gourds, acorns and leaves in a Longaberger basket, of course

who can't resist a jack-o-lantern face?
(especially on a Longaberger basket)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Kitchen (finally)

Better late than never, here are the pics of my new kitchen.  LOVING IT!!!!!

#5 at the table doing what he does best, EATING!

The doorway to the dining room was widened and arched.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Had to Photogragh This

Let me start by saying that on Saturday, September 11, the History Channel ran, all day, specials about 9/11.  If was as if I didn't want to relive that day, but couldn't help but watch.  Then it made me think that we should ALWAYS remember what happened on that day 9 years ago, and not just on the anniversaries.

So, on Sunday I went to my in-laws to help set up for the big garage sale.  Now, none of you know, but their garage is almost like a museum of sorts.  It's quite large (they ran a news agency out of it for many years).  My father-in-law, has the "Original" man cave; cable, fridge, recliner and LOTS of interesting things hanging on it's walls, i.e, signs (beer, street, etc.), things his grandfather made, etc.

But what caught my attention that day was his fire helmet haning on the wall.  I guess I always knew it was there but being 9/12 and everything, firemen were fresh in my mind.  He was a volunteer fireman in his town as they did not a fire department till maybe the 80's.  This helmet, I KNOW, saw MANY fires and it certainly shows.  He told me that someone offered him $200 for it and said he would NEVER sell.  He is obviously very proud of it.  So me, being me, I photographed it and here it is:

I think I am going to get him a case to protect it

SFD = Stickney Fire Department

Just a SMALL part of his collection haning on the walls

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Photo Pedigree

Either I have too much time on my hands, or I am finally coming up with other things to scrapbook than baseball (not that it's a bad thing, I've just been really enjoying coming up with fresh ideas).

Here is my latest:  This page is a photo family tree of sorts.  The other page will actually be a written family tree, just waiting for a few more facts.

I think it is awesome that I have photos of not only of my four grandparents, but all eight of my great grandparents as well.

Of course my pic is me behind the camera.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Experimenting with Effects

Again, just trying to be more creative, I've been experimenting with effects on pics.  Here are a few favs I was playing around with.
I made the pic black and white and "painted" my toenails

firehouse across from Wrigley Field

from Busch Gardens

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Free Time

I find myself wondering, daily, what to do with all of my free time.  I have been trying to use my creativtiy (scrapbooking, taking photos, thinking of things for a sweet sixteen party for a friend).  I also find myself wondering how I could make all of this a career.  I guess in a perfect world, but for now I better just enjoy it while it lasts.

Fall baseball has started (practices, first games are next weekend), so I find myself home alone while practices are going on.  Today I went searching for inspiration.  Went to Archivers and Joann Fabrics, and also went to Delnor Woods Park in St. Charles where I took these pics.

big beautiful tree, love it in black in white too

just thinking.....people purchase these wild flowers from nurseries and here they are growing wild.
love the two purple cone flowers amongst the yellow black eyed susans.  wish mine looked like these!
