Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 31: "Gather your Thoughts"

Today was the last day of my "Picture the Holidays" project.  It was such a wonderful project as it brought out my creativity, my interest in taking better pictures and just reflecting on things and seeing them in a whole different way.  We tend to look past so many little things in our daily life that it really added something special to this holiday season and finding meaning in every little thing in my life.  Good or bad.

Today's pic really makes me hopeful for 2011.  I feel it is going to be a great year as I am anticipating a job back in the district and hopefully where I want to be (with a wonderful principal and friend).  So with that being said, here is my last post for "Picture the Holidays" and 2010.  Bring on 2011 and please keep following me.

This was in yesterday's Chicago Sun-Times; my horoscope for 2011. It really speaks to me in what it predicts for the coming year and hope it is the path I will be taking for 2011.

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