Been sick for about a week now. It's amazing what getting out of the house can do for you. Starbucks and shopping always help too! Went to Woodfield to visit the Apple store. I was hoping that that they would be able to tell me there was a USB adapter for my new I pad so that I could print from it to my photo printer. I got the adapter for my camera, but no such luck for the printer. Very disappointed about that. Was told it does not have USB capabilities. Who would have thought that one of the most current pieces of technology does not have a USB?
EVERYTHING has a USB. I was told to just wait it may come about but I am totally bummed! So basically all I can do now with photos on the I-pad is view them, play around with them, but not print from it. I know that my husband thought I would be able to print from it. He should have just bought a lap top. Oh well, I am having fun with it though. Games get addicting. Angry Birds and Solitaire have been my favorite so far.
But.........I did buy this super cute, fun watch:
And this really cute ring from the Brighton store:
AHHHHHHHHH, the benefits of retail therapy. Wish the drugs worked as well!!!!!!
Love that watch.